Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Color Portraits- My Work in Progress


  1. the second image is a clean, clear representation of this person. the first image is almost there. i wonder if you try to slightly remove the orange cast (just slightly) and to brighten (draw out) the eyes. i wish it was a tiny bit sharper, but i think it will help once you bring down the orange in the skin tone.

  2. You have some great photos! I really like the magnifying glass the best. Very creative. I think that one is very fun. The bow/hunting photos are great!

  3. The first image is my favorite by far out of this group, really interesting and great pose. I kind of wish the glass was further out though to exaggerate the size of her eye more...

    Love the background color, but it is reflected in her skin a bit too much.

  4. I really like the 1st image, nice color and idea. For the 3rd I think you said you were going for desaturated, so I would try to desaturate his shirt and the green behind him even more, probably don't do it to his skin much more though.

  5. i retract my "sharpness" comment. i clicked on it again and looked up close and it looks pretty sharp:)

  6. Make the magnifying glass picture a series. DO IT!

  7. The magnifying glass if fun and playful. The shots of the guy are nice but the desaturated one seems desaturated just cause you had to. Doesnt seem as relevant. Overall I like your shooting images better but I think the magnifying glass is still fun. Nice work.
