Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Assignment 2 (0) Portrait Recreation

British Vogue by Nick Knight
For this assignment, we were instructed to find a portrait photographer that we are inspired by and recreate one of their portraits in our own way. I decided to recreate a portrait by Nick Knight who is a fashion photographer because I really appreciated his use for soft, diffused lighting.

Portrait Recreation by Sam Stawara
The way that I executed this type of portrait was first by finding a subject. My roommate was not too thrilled to pose for a portrait, but I was eventually able to get her to agree to the challenge. We studied Knight's figure in his portrait and positioned my subject accordingly. She was lit with two lamps from my apartment which unfortunately cast more shadows than I was looking for. I played around with bouncing light as well as diffusing it with a white sheet. After shooting around for a bit, we were able to get a pretty good replication of the original photo. I then imported the image into photoshop where I worked on softening my subject to match the softness and smoothness of Knight's subject. I tried to stay away from over softening and blurring my subject to keep it my own piece. Overall, I am pretty happy with my recreation, although I would be much happier, had I been able to use my studio lighting that I have back home at my parents home. It is much more diffused and larger than just a nightstand lamp which would have allowed me to light my subject and the surrounding area. I would like to continue my education in portraits, because that is the area I would like to continue my concentration in.

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