Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog Prompt #16, #17, #18

“I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.” Duane Michals

Only because I had a GREAT imagination when I was little!!! I am a FIRM believer in having a great imagination. That is what makes verbal stories great as you picture them in your head, imagining what-ifs, and all that good stuff. There is a reason that we were given the ability to imagine and I think it is important to exercise that. Could you imagine how boring life would be without imagination? Ick.

“Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer—and often the supreme disappointment.” ~Ansel Adams

Totally agree! Especially when I think of Ansel Adams' work and how amazing it is. It seems like nothing else could compare. It seems like as a photographer, everywhere you look, your mind is appreciating nature's beauty and wondering how it could be photographed. Then, you get this ideal photo in your mind and the hardest part is making it happen, if it is even possible. Then, after you photograph it, there is a large chance that it won't look half as good as what you pictured in your mind.

“Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.” Berenice Abbott

I sort of agree with this statement, because I can no way picture taking a photograph of the past or future. I guess I think of photography to technically sometimes and especially when thinking about this quote because I just picture a photo being taken at that moment. The minute you take a photo, it begins to become the past because that moment in time has already passed.

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